Foreign Graduate Start-Up Visa Stream

Foreign Graduate Start-Up Visa Stream (FGSVS) - Alberta

This stream is for Foreign graduates from OUTSIDE of Canada who can apply for permanent residence.

Foreign graduates who are interested to apply under this category must work with a designated agency. The designated agency will issue a letter of recommendation if the foreign graduate meets the program requirements.

The foreign graduate who qualifies with the letter of recommendation can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) through the AINP Portal.

Empowered Startups and Platform Calgary designated agencies are participating in this program.

Minimum Requirements

To apply for the FGSVS, you must meet the following requirements:

  • To be eligible for this stream, candidates must have a minimum of 6 months of full-time work experience that can be a combination of actively managing or owning the business or equivalent (equivalencies are work experience with a business incubator or business accelerator).
  • Applicant should have two years of completion of a degree from a post-secondary institution outside of Canada. Minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 7 for each English or French required.
  • Must have a minimum of 34% ownership if the business is located in an urban center or a minimum of 51% ownership if located in a regional area outside of Calgary and Edmonton.

Mandatory investment for an urban center is CAD $ 100,000 and for a regional area is CAD $ 50,000. The applicant also needs to meet settlement funds requirements.

AINP assesses the application against the eligibility criteria and EOI Points will be verified for the nomination. An applicant is allowed to apply for Permanent residency within 6 months of nomination.

Approved Designated Agencies

Foreign graduates who are interested in applying to the FGSVS should contact the following approved designated agencies:

Empowered Startups

420-744 West Hastings
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 1A5
Phone : 604-229-1052
Fax : 604-229-2037
Website :
Email :

Platform Calgary

429 – 8 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 0L6
Phone : 403-284-6400
Fax : 604-229-2037
Website :
Email :