Skilled Workers

Skilled Workers

The new system could prove advantageous to India's skilled workers and students since they will be treated on par with EU citizens. There will be no cap on the number of people who can qualify under the scheme.

The system will allow workers whose salary is below a determined 'going rate' (1) for their occupation, or a general 25,600 pound ($33,310) minimum, to still qualify for entry if they have advanced qualifications in their field, or want to work in an industry where there is a shortage of workers.

"Once someone outside the UK has gone through all these steps, they will usually get a decision within three weeks," the Home Office said.
Applicants will need to have enough money to cover the application fee will range between £610 to £1,408, plus a healthcare surcharge (usually £624 per year) and be able to support themselves (usually by having at least £1,270 available).

The Skilled Worker visa lasts for up to five years before it needs to be extended. Alongside the work visa, a number of other routes are also now open for applications, including Global Talent Visa, for people who can show they have exceptional talent or exceptional promise in the fields of science, engineering, humanities, medicine, digital technology or arts and culture.

Applicants must
  • Have a job offer from an approved sponsor
  • Have a job that is deemed to be sufficiently skilled
  • Speak English
In addition, applicants must earn enough points through three additional criteria
  • Education level
  • How their salary compares with the going rate for the field in which they wish to work
  • Whether there is a shortage of workers in their field
To qualify for entry, an applicant must score 70 points or more. Points are allocated as below
Offer of job by approved sponsor 20
Job at appropriate skill level 20
Speaks English at required level 10
Above going rate (1) for occupation, or over £ 25,600 (2) (whichever is higher) 20
Up to 10% below going rate, or up to 10% below £ 25,600 (whichever is higher) 10
10-20% below going rate, or 10-20% below £ 25,600 (whichever is higher 0

The applicants through skilled visa route should have a job offer by an approved sponsor for the appropriate skill level. They should also speak English at the required level. These mandatory requirements make up for 50 points, and the applicants should manage another 20 points through other characteristics required for the visa, which are tradeable.

The global talent route is a fast-track visa system to attract the world’s top scientists, researchers and mathematicians. As of November 2020, the government has provided a list of approved endorsing bodies which include The Royal Society, for science and medicine, The Royal Academy of Engineering, for engineering, and The British Academy, for humanities